Then the Father comes to him from above and speaks~The Father informs him that he has forgotten who he is so in turn he has forgotten the Father. He tells him to look inside himself and acknowledge that he is “More” than what he has become…and that he Must take his rightful place in the Kingdom (the Circle of Life)!~SURRENDERED SHOWGIRL

Do you struggle at times with who you have become? Do you often wonder “What is My Purpose”? Do you consider what it would be like to Rise to the occasion and take your rightful  place next to the King, and walk in the purpose that He has created and called you for? When you “Remember who you Are”, you can and will process through and move into your Destiny. We must realize that we are His Royalty, His Heirs and He has a plan for each and every one of us to fulfill. When you Rise and Walk with Him, you become Fully Alive. He takes us by the hand and guides us in new paths, new directions, and orchestrates our steps. With Him we can walk in deep waters, travel to new heights, and move in new levels of the supernatural. Only when we forget who we are and forget who He is, will we begin to sink. A life with Him will require great Trust and being required to abide in the uncomfortable zone. I have found the uncomfortable zone to be a great challenge but experienced the miraculous, unforeseen, moving of the Holy Spirit in ways that can barely be humanly expressed. I have walked in realms where I Know it is clearly His mighty shield surrounding and protecting me in ways that are unexplainable. Many times, I’ve laid down my plan and agenda and just stood amazed at His leading and watched as unexpected doors flew open and favor is fallen and relationships and trust is attained to allow tremendous ministry opportunities. When we move in His Circle, Nothing is breaking it nor entering in that He doesn’t allow. If He says drink the cup, He means drink the cup and If He says take the bread, he means take the bread. Will we obey? Will we deliver when we are uncomfortable? When it doesn’t fit in our agenda? Will we Rise, carry our cross, face the unthinkable at times, minister “out of the box”, skip out of the ordinary to experience the Extraordinary? Jesus Did…and the stone was rolled away, He was obedient to the cross, He is the ONE, Seated at the Right hand of the Father and He gave the Victor’s Crown!! He calls us to Follow and Rise and Build His Kingdom, to help and guide others on their journey. This Easter will you Rise, take your place, find your purpose and Invite someone into His house, into His presence, so that they may hear and learn of His Great Love and Plans….THE EASTER MESSAGE!