Have you ever felt like your mental strength has been challenged by overwhelming responsibilities, rejections, negative influences and/or naysayers? This is where we have to lean in and trust the Lord and his timing! Building mental strength comes from learning, evaluating, analyzing, and testing our environment, relationships, and atmosphere of our surroundings. The old saying “Garbage In & Garbage Out” tells us that what we allow IN will be released and reflected outwardly. If you take in negativity, you may experience a decrease and mental weakness. The question is Do you want to be Strong?

Example: When you don’t draw clear boundary lines with negative people, influences and environments; you run the risk of becoming mentally drained, negative, and unhealthy.

Healthy Choice: Today I will think about building new relationships that will protect and build my mental strength! I will seek positive friendships and safe uplifting environments to manage and spend my time wisely.

Diet Tip: A Dose of Blueberries contains powerful antioxidants and anti inflammatory properties that boost Brain Health!

Daily Devotional:Philippians 4:13 Romans 8:6 2 Corinthians 12:9-11