One big factor in emotional stability is Trust. When we trust God, we remove our human capabilities of emotional strength and trust that He will calm, soothe, give peace, and make our days and burdens lighter. Trusting Him is very beneficial to our inner peace and confidence. Who or what are you trusting in today?

Example: When you travel by airplane (or train) and anxiety or questioning arises, what do you do? What can settle fears, calm the storm inside, and bring stability overall? Emotional anxiety and imbalance can manifest in stomach aches, nausea, headaches and so forth as a secondary physical reaction. What you choose to focus on can determine the outcome.

Healthy Choice: Today I will decide to trust in the Lord when I experience uncomfortable emotions. I can focus my attention toward prayer and intimate relationship with him knowing I can come boldly before the throne with all of my concerns and petitions. I understand that I was created to rule and reign and with that was given dominion and authority over anything and everything including negative emotions that come against The Design for my life! I can ASK for what I need. I can request that He dispatch angels concerning my welfare. I can ASK that HE calm my storm knowing that even the wind and waves obey Him! Because of who He is and His strength I can be secure that my emotional weakness can become stable and healthy.

Diet Tip: Emotional overeating and indulging can mask symptoms of pain and anxieties thus causing unwanted weight gain that can trigger emotions. Intentionally thinking about meal plans and food choices can positively effect your overall healthy balance.

Daily Devotional: Matthew 11:28 Isaiah 38:7 Hebrews 6:18