Have you experienced hearing and feeling that Still Small Voice? Encountered vivid and bright, God centered Dreams? Have you ever had a Vision come to you that you easily wrote down or drew? Yes!-God does speaks to us, through us, and reveals his plans with instructions and direction when we have an open heart, listening ear, and willingness to obey. His revelation will always line up with His word in scripture.

Example: A fresh revelation may come in the form of a dream, vision, prophesy or spoken word. Discernment and Wisdom will determine what your next steps will be.

Healthy Choice: In order to fulfill an instruction or walk in obedience to an assignment you will need a plan of action. When receiving a dream or hearing that still small voice: Get up and write it down, draw it, compare it to scripture and Ask God for clarity and full revelation. What are my Next Steps? What do YOU want ME to DO? I know Faith comes by hearing and Faith requires Action!

Diet Tip: Many people have reversed or prevented disease simply by choosing whole and clean foods from our Creator’s biblical plan. (*Refer to this Book The Maker’s Diet by Jordan Rubin for healthy recipes)

Daily Devotional: Joel 2:28 Numbers 12:6 Proverbs 29:18